7575 S. Hampton Road, Dallas, TX 75232-4121

Our Mission
Our Mission is to be equipped by Jesus Christ to proclaim God’s Word through studies and in celebrations, to encounter Christ in prayer and witness by ministering to others in service, all to the Glory of God.
Our Motto
“Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ”
Our Vision
The vision of First Christian Methodist Church is Knowing God and making God known throughout the community through Evangelism, Missions, and Outreach
Our Story
Recognizing the importance of strong, consistent, and committed leadership, former members of Cedar Crest Methodist Episcopal Cathedral, stepped out on faith when the removal of such proven, accountable, and trusted leadership was threatened.
After a series of consensus-building meetings, it was determined that action would be taken to withdraw from the Christian Methodist Episcopal connection and become an independent body. Members, who agreed to such action, demonstrated their respect and confidence in the leadership of Rev. Gene E. Burt by asking him to serve as their spiritual leader and church administrator.
Joining Rev. Burt in this transition was Rev. Luckie Franklin, an Ordained Local Elder, Rev. Charles McDonald, a retired C.M.E. Pastor and Rev. W. A. Schultz, a retired Presiding Elder.
Cedar Crest Christian Methodist Evangelistic Church, now First Christian Methodist Evangelistic Church was born out of the Methodist tradition with roots in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. It is a church whose commitment is to praise and give thanks to God in worship, do the work of God’s kingdom, and witness to the community.
This adventuresome congregation held its first worship celebration in the sanctuary at 1616 E. Illinois Avenue, Dallas Texas on July 2, 1989. Moving forward in faith, this group found it necessary to worship elsewhere. On July 9, 1989, worship was held in the gymnasium of the Maria Morgan Y.W.C.A. That same Sunday, the church was formally organized with one hundred and thirty-five Charter members in attendance. The initial focus was the establishment of the Sunday School, the Board of Christian Education, the Membership Committee, the Steward Board, the Stewardess Board, the Missionary Society, Board of Trustees, choirs, and youth groups.
Later in 1989, the church officers leased a suite at 434 W. Kiest Boulevard for the administrative office and meetings. It was during this time, these same officers gave thought to leasing or purchase an existing church building. Finding none to our satisfaction, the idea became a plan to purchase land and build a worship center. A building committee was formed with Ilean Hampton chairing and later, co-chaired by Vincent McGinnis.
After six years of worship at the Y.W.C.A., The FCMEC family was able to move into their newly built worship center at 7575 S. Hampton Road. Official occupancy took place in mid-August of 1995.
After moving in, our membership grew to reach 300. Rev. Burt continued to serve as Senior Pastor and over the years, was assisted by volunteers: Rev. Luckie Franklin, Rev. Verline Cooks-Jones, Rev. Carl Anderson, Minister Sandra Gant, and Minister Dennis Powell.
Ten years after our move-in, Rev. Burt and the entire congregation were able to pay off the mortgage and celebrate with a “Mortgage-Burning” Service. A few months later, Rev. Burt announced his plans to retire. At the time of his retirement in 2004, our membership had grown beyond 400 members.
Since the retirement of Rev. Gene E. Burt, we have been led by the following Pastors:
Rev. Eric Tate Martin
Rev. Dr. Edward Moore
Rev. Dr. John W. Wilson III
Rev. Dr. Thomas W. Spann (interim)
Rev. Yvette R. Blair-Lavallais